About us
Participants of Judy’s Hope will find a safe, Christ-oriented environment that will allow women to live alone with their child(ren) in a tiny house while developing the skills needed to step out on their own. These women will find mentorship in home economics, securing a job, parenting, walking with Christ and more as they rebuild a firm foundation to live independently.Our Program
At Judy’s Hope, we believe true change comes by addressing the physical, mental and emotional needs of each participant. In order for them to live as strong, successful and independent women, each participant of Judy’s Hope will follow a five phase program. Each phase is designed to guide our participants in developing healthy emotional and spiritual habits, as well as securing solid employment.Our Mission
It is the mission of Judy’s Hope to open doors to a future and a hope for women and children as we guide them into their next step of life.
We are seeking volunteers!